444 9 295 sales@bayikgrup.com.tr

Bayık ERW Pipe Profile Production Facilities

Bayık ERW Pipe Profile Production Facilities, which was commissioned in the beginning of 2016, started production with the last month of 2016. ERW pipe profile facilities produce pipes, water, greenhouse, scaffolding and construction pipes, rectangular square and specially shaped profiles which are taken internally according to customer demand. The products produced meet the needs of many industries such as building scaffolding and mold system, automotive and auxiliary industry, white goods, furniture, steel products, housing and industrial building construction, greenhouse, machinery and agricultural tools manufacturing.

With its know-how, experience and responsibility, BAYIK Pipe is equipped with high production speed, energy efficiency and high level automation systems and produces solutions in accordance with international standards and offers solutions according to customer's needs.

For the first time in Turkey 10 mm thick pipes and equivalent profiles are produced from Ø 76.1 mm to Ø 114.3 mm

For the first time in Turkey, Bayık ERW Pipe Profile Production Plants, which produce with advanced technology, high quality and product range, are producing 10 mm thick pipes and equivalent profiles from Ø 76.1 mm to Ø114.3 mm in high strength steels. These pipes and profiles meet the needs of different sectors, mainly agricultural machinery, hydraulic equipment, drilling pipes. If these products are requested, an inner circle can be taken.

The "universal system" which is the most advanced technology in profile production machines and shortens size change times is used.

Manufactured pipes and profiles;

Industry / Installation Pipeline; HR, CR and galvanized sheet in diameter of Ø13-219mm in the thicknesses of 0.60-10.00mm and 3500mm-12000mm in the wall thicknesses
Square Profile; HR, CR and galvanized sheet in thicknesses of 10x10 mm - 200x200mm, 0.60-10.00mm wall thickness, 3500mm-12000mm thickness
Rectangular Profile; HR, CR and galvanized sheet are produced in sizes of 10x20mm-150x250mm and 0.60-10.00mm wall thickness and 3500mm-12000mm.
Produced pipes and profiles are painted in modern facilities with the aim of corrosion protection with fire resistant water based antipas paint according to customer demand.

ERW pipe profile production facilities; pipes and profiles according to the present invention can be used in a wide variety of applications, such as in accordance with TS EN 10217-1, TS EN 10219-1 / 2, TS EN 10305-3, TS EN 10305-5, TS EN 10255, DIN 1626, ASTM A53, ASTM A500, EN 39, BS 1139, SI 1458 according to national and international standards.

With the multi-cutting unit, service is provided by cutting packages in the special boilers requested by the customers.

In Bayik ERW Pipe Profile Plants, tentering and welding opening are done in Ø21.3 - Ø127 mm diameter 2.00 mm - 10,00 mm wall thickness 4000 mm - 8000 mm.

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